
The Full Story
Some 50 years ago, a small group of Moroccan Jewish visionaries founded the Em Habanim Sephardic Congregation and did so much for the benefit of our whole community. This dedicated group had a dream, planted the seed, nurtured it and with Hashem’s help we now have a beautiful edifice with a synagogue and Sephardic Community Center - A vibrant congregation with Rabbi Joshua Bittan as our spiritual leader, Albert Ifrah as our president and Sidney Chriqui as Chairman of our Board of Trustees .
We are dedicated to serving our community in the Sephardic tradition. Our services are held in the Moroccan Sephardi Nussah and Liturgy melodiously led by Hazzan Shimon Sibony with the participation of our “singing synagogue”.
We have many programs including Torah classes, a youth program for teenagers, free Bar Mitzvah classes, a children’s program during Shabbat and Holiday services, a scholarship program for Jewish Day Schools, a young families committee and activities for activities for people of all ages .
We have daily and weekly classes for adults including daily Daf Yomi and Chok Leisreal We have minyanim three times a day and are ready to assist you in celebrating and marking your important life cycle events.
We have also a rich and unique Sephardic reference library with volumes in Hebrew, English , French and Spanish to complement an extensive and continuously expanding collection of books.
Our facilities include an elegant and up to date Simcha Hall equipped with stage and dance floor that can comfortably accommodate up to 300 guests for any of your celebrations.
Our Foyer houses a Sephardic heritage display featuring items from our cherished Sephardic Heritage.
Overall we are a very friendly synagogue with rich heritage and values.
Our mission is to share them with you. We hope you will join us to celebrate Judaism in the best Sephardic tradition.